During tough times it is easy to neglect the essential things such as compliance towards health, safety and environment. As we are all aware, the COVID19 pandemic has added more compliance pressure. Everyone irrespective of their activities must adhere to the health regulations as required by our Department of Health in South Africa.

At the ROSE Foundation we have been raising awareness among our stakeholders to ensure that everyone was safe and so as the environment. We have also continued with our annual training of accredited collectors nationwide.
After our last course, the newly trained used lubricating oil collectors indicated that they were more confident to collect the used lubricating oil after training. They also indicated that the course made them more aware about the importance of compliance and environment in their daily livelihood. Hearing such feedback is encouraging for the ROSE Foundation.
Training is an effective way to empower people to do their duties in a safe and responsible manner. It also benefits the environment, because the more competent the used lubricating oil collector is, the more responsible he/she becomes. It is also vital to advise the generators of used lubricating oil to ensure that every used lubricating oil collector is trained on conveying dangerous goods by road, oil spill control, first aid and fire fight in addition to other compliance requirements. The compliance towards health, safety and environment remains the responsibility of everyone. Together we can protect our environment while we adhere to applicable laws.