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For information on the latest South African Government legislation on waste: 


National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008

National Environmental Management: Waste Amendment Act, 2014

Waste Classification and Management Regulations

Standard For Waste Storage

OPS Manual January 2022

SANS 10234 Safety Data Sheet

South African Waste Information Centre (SAWIC)

This Waste Information Centre provides the public, business, industry and government with access to information on the management of waste in South Africa. The Centre also provides users with access to the South African Waste Information System (SAWIS). The South African Waste Information System (SAWIS) developed by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) in 2005, is a system used by government and industry to capture routine data on the tonnages of waste generated, recycled and disposed of in South Africa on a monthly and annual basis. Anyone generating in excess of 20kg of used oil per day, is required to register online on the South African Waste Information System (SAWIS). Once registered, the generators need to submit their figures every 90 days (quarterly) into the SAWIS. The information needs to be based on actual volumes and not estimates. 

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The following information needs to be submitted and retained by the waste generator for five years, to be produced for inspection, when required:

The month and year to which the information applies.
Category of waste; HW07 Waste Oils 01 Waste oil.
Source from which waste comes.
The quantity of waste reported in tons.

As used oil is classified as hazardous waste, generators are required to maintain the comprehensive information on a Hazardous Waste Manifest, a document that will track the used oil from cradle to grave and offer a clear snapshot on how it has been managed.

The Waste Manifest must include:

  • A unique consignment identification number.
  • The generator’s contact details, including the contact person, physical and postal address, phone and fax number and email address.
  • The physical address of the site where the waste was generated.
  • An emergency contact number.
  • The origin/source of the waste (how it was generated).
  • A description of the waste (waste classification and waste category).
  • The physical nature of the waste (liquid, solid, sludge, pump-able, non-pump-able).
  • The quantity of waste.
  • Packaging (bulk, small containers, tank).
  • Transport type (tanker, truck, container).
  • Special handling instructions.
  • The date of collection / dispatch.
  • The intended receiver (waste manager).


The foundations were first laid in April 1994 after the government withdrew support for the used oil re-refining industry. Previously lubricants were taxed to subsidize the re-refining of used oil back into lubricating oil.

When this subsidy was removed, the major lubricant companies operating in South Africa took it upon themselves to help protect the environment. So they formed the ROSE Foundation to prevent the irresponsible dumping and burning of used lubricating oil.

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