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  1. An Operations Manual that includes the constitution, operational procedures, and Code of Conduct.
  2. A ROSE environmental incentive when data collection is submitted.
  3. The chance to enhance your business image.
  4. Receive training in oil spill cleanup, firefighting, first aid, Hazchem, and business skills.
  5. The opportunity to participate in environmental audits to ensure legal compliance.
  6. Collection and delivery of books (with a safe disposal certificate).
  7. Insurance coverage for public liability and spills.
  8. Support the objectives of ROSE for a better South Africa.
  9. Safety clothing.


The foundations were first laid in April 1994 after the government withdrew support for the used oil re-refining industry. Previously lubricants were taxed to subsidize the re-refining of used oil back into lubricating oil.

When this subsidy was removed, the major lubricant companies operating in South Africa took it upon themselves to help protect the environment. So they formed the ROSE Foundation to prevent the irresponsible dumping and burning of used lubricating oil.

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