(1) Registering on SA Waste Information System
(a) A generator who produces more than 20 kgs of hazardous waste a day must register on the SAWIS website ( under the central registry.
(2) Analysis and classification of waste
(a) A waste generator is required to get the waste (any substance that is surplus, unwanted, rejected, abandoned, disposed of; for which the generator has no further use; that must be treated or disposed of – National Environmental Management Waste Act, 2008) in their possession classified in terms of SANS 10234 (Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) within 180 days of the generation thereof.
(b) A waste generator must reclassify the waste every 5 years or within 30 days of a change in process, raw materials or any other relevant factors. If the waste was classified using the “Minimum requirements for the handling, classification and disposal of hazardous waste” (DWA 1998) before these regulations came into effect, this waste must be re classified in accordance with SANS 10234 within 3 years (by 23/08/2016). If this waste is to go to landfill it must also be assessed as per the “Norms & Standards for the Assessment of Waste for Landfill Disposal” (GNR 635).
(3) Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
(a) The generator is required to give the designated transporter a safety data sheet of the waste prepared in accordance with SANS 10234.
(4) National Norms & Standards for the storage of waste (GNR 926 dated 29/11/13)
(a) If the generator stores more than 80m3 of hazardous waste at any one time the generator must comply with the National Norms & Standards for the Storage of Waste.
(b) If the generator is going to construct a new waste storage facility, this facility must be registered with the competent authority (DEA) 90 days prior to construction.
(c) The generator must ensure that their waste is reused, recycled, recovered, treated and or disposed of within 18 months of generation.
(5) Storage of waste
(a)The generator of waste which is stored in a container or storage impoundment must label the contents thereof. If labelling is not practical, then the generator must keep records of the date on which the waste was first placed in container; date on which waste placed in container or last time when container was filled, closed, sealed or covered; dated when quantities of waste added and removed from container/storage impoundment if relevant; specific category of waste as per the Waste Information Regulations and the classification of the waste once completed.
(b)Generators of waste are to keep up to date records of the management of the waste they generate and must include:
i. Classification of waste;
ii. Quantity in tons/month of each waste generated;
iii. Quantity of each type of waste that has been reused, recycled, recovered, treated or disposed of; and
iv. By whom the waste is managed.
(c) Generators who store more than 80m3 of hazardous waste (oily rags, used oils, paint tins etc – National Norms & Standards for Storage of Waste 2013, GN 926), the following are examples of the requirements that will apply:
i. Hazardous waste storage facility to have impermeable and chemical resistant floors.
ii. Liquid waste storage area must have secondary containment system (e.g. bund, drip tray) of a capacity which can contain 110% of maximum capacity of the contents of the waste stored. Where you have more than 1 container/tank stored, the bund must contain 110% of largest tank or 25%of the total storage capacity, whichever is greater.
iii. Container/tank must be on a firm, hard surfaced area that is resistant to the waste being stored.
iv. All employees must be trained in terms of operation and emergency procedures relating to the waste storage facility.
v. Notices to be placed at entrance to facility: no unauthorized entry, risks, hours of operation, name, address and telephone number of responsible person/s for storage facility.
vi. Containers, tanks, valves and piping containing hazardous waste must be visually inspected for leaks, integrity and any sign of deterioration weekly. Weekly inspection of secondary containment system must be undertaken.
vii. Internal audits of the facility are to be undertaken every 6 months and by an external auditor every 2 years. The aim of the external audit is to ascertain compliance with the Norms and Standards for the Storage of Waste.
(6) Transport of hazardous waste
(a) Generators of hazardous waste must have a waste manifest for each load of hazardous waste transported to a licensed waste manager (for recycling, reuse, disposal etc).
Information to be supplied by the Waste Generator {Consignor) on a waste manifest:
i. Unique consignment identification number;
ii. If applicable, the SAWIS Registration number in terms of the National Waste Information Regulations;
iii. Generator’s contact details (contact person, physical & postal address, phone, fax, email);
iv. Physical address of the site where the waste was generated if different from (iii);
v. Emergency contact number;
vi. Origin / source of the waste (activity);
vii. Classification of the waste and Safety Data Sheet;
viii. Quantity of waste by volume (m3) or weight (tons); ix. Date of collection / dispatch; x. Intended receiver (waste manager); and xi. Declaration (content of the consignment is fully and accurately described, classified, packed, marked and labelled, and in all respects in proper condition for transportation in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations).
(7) Documentation – cradle to grave
(a) The waste generator, transporter and manager (for recycling, reusing, or disposal} are required to provide information on the waste manifest. Once the waste manager receives the waste he/she must ensure that the waste generator gets a signed copy of the waste manifest with all three signatures on it (generator, transporter and manager). The waste manifest must be kept for 5 years.
(8) Waste to landfill
Some of the prohibitions and restrictions of waste to landfill which have come into effect as of 23 August 2013
(9) Penalties and Fines
(a) Person convicted of an offence is liable to a fine not exceeding R5 million or a fine of not more than R10 million depending on which section of the Act has been contravened or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 5 years or 10 years depending on which section of the Act has been contravened, or both a fine and imprisonment, in addition to any penalty or award that may be imposed in terms of the National Environmental Management Act.
(b) If a person who is convicted of an offence in terms of the Act and who continues to contravene the Act is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R1000 or imprisonment not exceeding 20 days or both, in respect of each day that person persists with the contravention.