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ROSE licensed collectors and processors collect, transport, store, process used oil in a sustainable, ethical and responsible manner that is compliant with all current legislation. Collectors must ensure that oil is safely transported and delivered to licensed processors to ensure proper recycling.

Processors use a number of technologies including thermal evaporation, static separation, low and high-speed centrifugation, filtration, blending, distillation, hydrogenation and cracking in order to remove harmful compounds and to obtain a wide range of products from used oil.

Most used oil is processed into industrial heating fuel and in some instances it is re-refined back to base oil.

ROSE licensed collectors can also safely remove related wastes such as used oil filters, oily rags, and oil soaked sawdust for responsible disposal and/or recycling. These added value services allow workshops and manufacturing facilities to ensure they remain compliant with waste legislation.


The foundations were first laid in April 1994 after the government withdrew support for the used oil re-refining industry. Previously lubricants were taxed to subsidize the re-refining of used oil back into lubricating oil.

When this subsidy was removed, the major lubricant companies operating in South Africa took it upon themselves to help protect the environment. So they formed the ROSE Foundation to prevent the irresponsible dumping and burning of used lubricating oil.

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